Press Kit



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"Very good. It has depth. Which is not easy to find. Congratulations."
Guillermo Arriaga

Together with Vice; Sandoval, Reyes Réboa, Betanzos &Chandler.


Once shook hands with Philip Glass while ignoring the presence of a Stradivarius.

Formal Violin studies with Jorge Delezé in the early years and a couple of months of Piano with Erika Kubacsek before abandoning it (a decision that for sure would regret later). With some studies of photography and coordinated of public studies of exhibitions from David LaChapelle and Antony Gormley.

Communicologist by conviction with a Master's in History of Thought. Has worked in multiple areas in Radio and Television. As well as a collaborator in the development of media projects and personalized consultancies.

With incipient composition experience with software, started a Recording Studio project with some friends. Developing sundry productions within a couple of years.

As the given mother last names for their parents... just trying to take an anchor and a lighthouse to have clearly a proper purpose. A little reminder about the stories that came into existence and that are recognized, which often signed the work. A memory of the present idea that our work isn't about us, but is on way to serve others.

Working out of a teaching theory that mixes some narrative structure with the emotional impetus for the improvement interpretive performance.


Address: Street #
Phone: +1(2O2)596·8687
Email: set[@]lizardisaucedo[.]com

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Piano Rescue Solutions

If you know about some instrument needs to recover their musically purpose, please see the following statement.